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最終更新日:2023年02月09日 |
Quartz crystal is the most used crystal for electronics. Resonators, oscillators and filters designed and manufactured with single crystal quartz wafers / blanks have outstanding advantages in frequency stabilization and frequency selection. CQT group provide 2~8 inch quartz wafers, quartz rings and single/doubly rotate quartz blanks.
Lithium Niobate has excellent electro-optic, nonlinear optical and piezoelectric properties, making it a good optical waveguide material, and to produce medium&low; frequency SAW filters, high power&temperature;-resistant transducers. The black reduced lithium niobate wafers are widely adopted to produce higher frequency SAW devices. CQT group provide 3~8 inch LiNbO3 wafers.
LiTaO3 has good piezoelectric, electro-optic, acoustooptic and nonlinear optical effects. It is an excellent material for acoustic transmission and medium&high; frequency transducer. LT crystals can be widely used in electro-optic devices, pyrolytic devices and acousto-optic devices. CQT group provide 3~6 inch Lithium Tantalate wafers, and also black pyro-free LiTaO3 wafers.